Join Your Alametrian Megai

Welcome to the Planet Alametria!

Here’s where you can learn more about each Alametrian megai (or homeland) and identify which megai’s common traits you most closely relate to. That megai is where you would live if you adventured to Alametria!

Comment below and let me know your Alametrian megai. I’m planning some fun megai-focused giveaways and goodies in the future, so share your megai with pride and you could reap a future reward!

Have fun, and welcome “home”!


The Borll megai is home to industrious farmers who produce the crops enjoyed by all Alametrians. Much of the megai is flat and ideal for farming, with a few forested areas bordering the Dane and Luja megais to the east. To the west of this megai are the deadly Dark Lands. Very few Borll live near the protections along the western border.


Borlls love and respect nature and can make just about anything grow. The people of the Borll megai are known for their patience, diligence, and preference for solitude over socializing with others. When threatened, Borlls are most likely to hunker down in their homestead and do whatever it takes to protect what’s theirs.


The Dane megai is home to some of the planet’s most mentally gifted Alametrians. This heavily forested megai borders the Vawn megai to the south, the Luja megai to the north, and the Rowe megai to the west. To the east is the powerful, churning Savyaan Sea, where some of the bravest (and some say craziest) Danes make their living among the dangerous waves.


Known as Mynders, both males and females from the Dane megai have powerful physical and mental abilities. They train from a young age to use their abilities to oversee the protection of other Alametrians. Male Mynders more commonly guard others with their abilities while females are highly regarded for their matchmaking abilities. The Dane people are courageous, bold, adventuring, and dedicated. When threatened, they’re the first to rise up against that threat and do everything in their power to stop it, even if it means sacrificing themselves.


The Herte megai boasts the purest water on Alametria, making it the planet’s primary water source. While its eastern border touches the angry Savyaan Sea, numerous freshwater lakes also span this beautiful megai, from its southern Luja neighbors, to the Owar megai on the east coast, and the Wrym megai to the north.


The Herte people are understandably protective of the precious resource in their care. They’re suspicious of outsiders and rarely interact with the other megais aside from conducting necessary business to obtain the goods they need. Within their own borders, however, there are many renowned gatherings and festivals encouraging social engagement. When threatened, the Herte people will stand united, knowing a group has more strength than an individual.


The Luja megai is known for its mysterious, dense forests. The majestic trees are so immense that most of the Luja make their homes within them. The most populated area of the megai is the vast forest overlooking the Savyaan Sea to the east, but Lujas can also be found living along the forested southern border near the Dane megai or to the north near the crystal waters of the Herte megai.


Known as Divyners, the Luja are the planet’s mystics. Their minds have opened and evolved over time, allowing them to catch glimpses of the future. Because they don’t think like other Alametrians, they’re often seen as strange or unusual by others, but they are perfectly comfortable marching to their own tune. They embrace diversity and encourage others to be their true selves. When threatened, Lujas are most likely to rely on their wits rather than a physical defense.


The Owar megai has a varied landscape featuring forests, rivers, and rolling hills. A range of mountains along the megai’s eastern border serves as another layer of protection against the Dark Lands beyond them. Because the Owar people so often travel to other planets, their homes are a whimsical mixture of architectural styles they’ve encountered over time.


Known as Kyndred, the Owar people are the planet’s teachers. They not only spend their lives teaching their fellow Alametrians on their home planet, they transition to other planets to help others learn valuable life lessons away from Alametria. Owars are smart, empathetic, broad-minded, and flexible. When threatened, they will seek to make alliances with their neighbors to strengthen their numbers against the threat.


The Rowe megai is a sterile, pod-like environment conducive to experimentation and innovation. The homes all look largely alike, as the Rowes have determined the most efficient lifestyle and choose to live exactly that way. Most of the megai’s inhabitants live along the eastern border near the Dane and Vawn megais, two megais that have the most need for a Rowe’s abilities.


The Rowe people are highly skilled technicians and innovators. They’re intelligent, practical, and progressive Alametrians who spend their time creating new ways to make everyone else’s lives better. They specialize in fields such as interplanetary travel and the Alametrian medical sciences. When threatened, the Rowe rely on their creations for protection.


The Vawn megai is the most remote, and thus the most protected from the threat of the Dark Lands. This megai’s centerpiece is the grand Vawn Palace, home to the Ascendant, the Guardians, other Vawns of high standing, and those who serve them. Surrounding the palace are the homes of the Vawn who aren’t deemed worth of living within the palace walls, though there are fewer such homes than one would find elsewhere. This megai is known for its opulence, not its welcoming nature.


As Alametria’s nobility, the Vawn people are known for their strong leadership abilities, charisma, and foresight. They oversee the planet’s judicial system and develop the laws governing the people. They’re highly respected and have to work hard at maintaining that respect, though there are those who prefer to see to their own needs before the needs of others. When threatened, the Vawn rely on Mynders for protection.


The Wrym megai is the northernmost megai, bordering the Dark Lands to the north and west and the Owar and Herte megais to the south. Its hilly, forested terrain is the most populous on Alametria. Despite that, most of the homes in this megai are built on large sections of land, perfect for raising families and livestock.


The Wrym people are the hardest working on Alametria. They’re also arguably the happiest. Whether working in the palace or simply raising a family in their own humble home, they’re content in their lives and enjoy helping others. The Wrym are open-hearted, hospitable, loyal, and welcoming. When threatened, the Wrym will rise against the threat…and as a group, they make a formidable foe.

So, tell me, which megai are you from?