It’s time to celebrate! Not only is today my birthday, it’s the official release day for my new book, Imperfect Harmony!


Today is also the last day you can grab Imperfect Harmony for just $1.31. Tomorrow it will go up to its normal price of $3.99. So don’t miss your chance!


Imperfect Harmony by Raine Thomas


House of Archer #1

New Adult Rock Star Romance



 Amazon and KU only

A rock band. A reality show. The opportunity of a lifetime.
As the front man for The Void, lead singer Dane Archer has yet to achieve the success he craves. He hopes that will change when he’s approached about filming a reality show called House of Archer. All he and the band have to do is get some juicy footage while on their upcoming tour.
The problem? Archer’s life is a snoozefest. His parents are happily married, he’s never done drugs or gotten arrested, and he doesn’t get into fights with his band mates. He knows the show will fizzle and die before it ever hits the air, taking his dreams of worldwide fame along with it.
If Archer can convince his best friend Lily to be on the show, he’s sure they’ll get all the compelling footage they need. Her life is filled with drama. Hell, she’s practically a reality show in her own right.
Archer’s willing to do whatever it takes to get Lily on board, even if it means charming her into being more than just friends. But when he finds himself falling for her, his seemingly simple plan gets complicated. Soon the line between reality and Reality TV begins to blur, leaving him wondering if achieving his dreams is worth all it might cost him.
“What are…Dane? What’s going on?” Lily asked as he climbed into the SUV behind her and closed the door.
“We’re going to talk.”
“I don’t want to talk.”
“That’s too damn bad.”
Her irritation disappeared in a blink of shock. He hadn’t infused the words with any heat, but it certainly wasn’t the response she had expected.
Neither of them said another word until Barney had seated himself behind the wheel. “Do you need anything before we depart, Mr. Archer?” he asked.
“No, Barney. Thanks.”
Barney nodded and pressed the button to raise the privacy shield between the front and back seats. Once they were moving, Dane turned back to Lily. Since she was glowering out the window, she saw his expression in the reflective surface. For some reason he looked amused over her behavior.
“Lily, nothing happened with Camilla,” he began.
She shrugged. “Why would I care?”
“Because I kissed you yesterday.” When she didn’t reply, he continued, “Do you really think so little of me that you believe I’d go from kissing you like that to pursuing another woman?”
She huffed out a sigh and finally met his gaze. “Of course I don’t think little of you, Dane. Honestly, I don’t know what to think right now.”
He looked relieved that she was speaking with him in a calm manner rather than chewing his head off. It made her regret going out of her way to avoid and ignore him all morning. She had been acting like a middle schooler. He was her best friend. He deserved to have his say.
“Look, Lily, I know I screwed up last night. I should have mentioned I had that interview so you knew to wait for me. I was more concerned about keeping Camilla happy so she would give the band some good press than I was about hunting you down to talk about us.”
She bit her bottom lip and looked down at the notebook she was clutching in her lap. “It’s okay, Dane. I—”
“No, it’s not okay.” He ran a hand through his hair as though trying to find the right words to give her. “You have no idea how important you are to me, Lily. You’re the best friend I’ve ever had. You’re beautiful and funny and I know I can tell you anything. But I haven’t told you the truth about how I feel about you. I want more than just your friendship. I want a shot at a real relationship with you.”
Her heart ached more with every word he spoke. “Oh, Dane.”
His expression fell. “What? What’s wrong?”
Taking a deep breath, she said, “Johnathan asked me to marry him.”
The words seemed to knock the wind right out of him. She actually saw him flinch as though suffering from a blow. He shook his head and cleared his throat a couple of times before he spoke again.
“What did you tell him?” he managed to ask.
“Well…I told him yes.”
“My House” by Flo Rida
“Smooth” by Rob Thomas feat. Santana
“My Life Would Suck Without You” by Kelly Clarkson
“Stand by You” by Rachel Platten
“Don’t Wanna Know” by Maroon 5, Kendrick Lamar
“Heathens” by Twenty-One Pilots
“I Started a Joke” by The Wallflowers
“Lose Yourself” by Eminem
“Starving” by Hailee Steinfeld
“One Call Away” by Charlie Puth
Raine Thomas is the award-winning author of bestselling Young Adult and New Adult fiction. Known for character-driven stories that inspire the imagination, Raine recently signed with multiple award-winning producer Chase Chenowith of Back Fence Productions to bring her popular Daughters of Saraqael trilogy to the big screen. She’s a proud indie author who is living the dream.
Raine is a hopeless romantic with a background in the fields of mental health and wedding planning…two areas that intersect far more than one would think. Her years working with children and young adults with emotional and behavioral challenges inspired her to create protagonists who overcome their own conflicts. When she isn’t writing or glued to e-mail or social networking sites, Raine can usually be found vacationing with her husband and daughter on one of Florida’s beautiful beaches or crossing the border to visit with her Canadian friends and relatives.


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